About VCT Vogel

VCT Vogel is a specialist in the overhaul and repair of piping, valves, pumps, controls and subframes on trailers delivering liquid gases, chemicals and other products. VCT also designs and builds hydraulic and electric drive systems for pumps with associated control systems that provide the industry's highest levels of safety and efficiency.

VCT Vogel was founded in 2006 and acquired by Chart in 2017. The Gablingen facility boasts a 4100 m2 modern, fully equipped workshop including dedicated areas for cryogenic, electrical and welding work. The highly skilled workforce includes welders, electricians, chassis builders and vehicle technicians.

VCT MultiControl

Fully automated, safe and efficient system for loading and unloading cryogenic gas trailers. Controls pump, valves and truck engine and links seamlessly to flow metering systems such as Flowcom 3000.

  • Driver is guided through all process steps increasing safety and reliability
  • Suitable for electric and hydraulic drives
  • Compatible with all pump systems including Chart and 3rd party brands
  • Displays all important parameters including engine speed, oil temperatures, oil and hydraulic pressures
  • Proven track record with >700 controllers in service across a wide range of liquefied gases, mineral oils, chemicals and AdBlue

VCT Vogel MultiControl pump control system

Trailer Maintenance, Overhaul and Repair

Maintenance, overhaul and repair of liquid trailers specializing in tanks, piping, valves, pumps, controls and subframes. All work is carried out by skilled technicians in accordance with recognized international quality standards and approved by TÜV.

cryogenic trailer service and repair

Pump Drives

Hydraulic and electric pump drive systems.

hydraulic and electric pump drive systems

Innovation is our Strength

Introducing the new generation of cryogenic transport trailers for the European market. A combined effort from our GOFA, Flow Instruments and VCT Vogel subsidiaries.

Connect with VCT Vogel

Contact us today

Telephone  +49 8230 8915 060

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Herausgeber: VCT Vogel GmbH Cryo-Technik / Nutzfahrzeugbau Industriestr. 6 86456 Gablingen

Kontakt: Telefon: +49 8230 8915060 E-Mail: info@vct-vogel.de

Registergericht: Amtsgericht Augsburg

Handelsregisternummer: HRB 22015

Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer: DE249996969

Geschäftsführer: Herr Daniel Hallmann und Herr Miroslav Cerny


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