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Helium Liquefier Vacuum Cold Box

Cryo Technologies’ vacuum cold box engineering, design and fabrication expertise affords us the ability to offer our customers helium liquefiers of unparalleled performance and quality. Our full range of engineering and design competencies include process, mechanical, instrumentation, controls, safety, procurement, quality assurance, project management and 3D modeling.


Helium Liquefaction Process

A warm, pure helium feed stream is compressed (if required) to achieve the liquefier high pressure stream design pressure.  The pure, high pressure helium feed stream enters a vacuum cold box where it is cooled by liquid nitrogen and recycle refrigeration.  Recycle refrigeration is provided by compressing a separate helium recycle stream and expanding it in one or more turboexpanders.  The refrigerated helium feed stream is then expanded in a reciprocating expansion engine to produce a two-phase helium stream.  The two-phase stream flows into a storage tank where the liquid and vapor are separated.  The liquid helium remains in the storage tank and the cold helium vapor is returned to the cold box where it is used to cool the helium feed stream.   A complete liquefaction system typically includes recycle and feed (where applicable) compressors, oil removal systems, a vacuum cold box containing heat exchangers, 80K & 20K adsorbers, turboexpanders and reciprocating expander(s), valves & instruments, product storage, distribution & trailer loading systems and control & analytical systems.

helium liquefier cold box

2300 L/Hr Helium Liquefier Vacuum Cold Box – 3D Inventor Model – 10 ft Diameter x 40 ft High x 75,000 lb

Helium Processing Vacuum Cold Box Options

  • Cryogenic Helium Upgrader Cold Box Produces 99% Pure Gaseous Helium from NRU or Gas Processing Off-Stream
  • Cryogenic Helium Purifier Cold Box Produces 100% Pure Gaseous Helium from 99% Gaseous Helium Stream
  • Cryogenic Helium Liquefier Cold Box Produces 100% Pure Liquid Helium from 100% Pure Gaseous Helium Stream
Cryo Technologies

The combination of Chart and Cryo Technologies offers the market a unique one-stop shop for customers who want to liquefy, store, distribute and market liquid helium, regardless of plant capacity.

Optimized Solution

Chart's helium liquefaction processes use liquid nitrogen pre-cooling, helium recycle refrigeration and rotating equipment, all designed and selected to offer our customers the optimum balance between CAPEX and OPEX.

Minimized Cost, Risk & Schedule

Proven process technologies, high quality, custom engineered and commercially available components, expert fabrication and maximized shop packaging unite to reduce cost, schedule, and risk.

Customization Available

To meet each customer’s specific needs. customization options include choice of capacity, optional front-end purification, optional nitrogen re-liquefaction, and unlimited storage and trailer loading options.

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Cooler Together

Chart acquisitions Cryo Technologies and Fronti Fabrications have been working together for more than 30 years utilizing their deep cryogenic expertise to create solutions for purifying and liquefying hydrogen and helium. Together with our brazed aluminum heat exchangers, cold boxes and cryogenic storage tanks, Chart has the unique advantage of being able to fully design engineer, build and assemble complete plants in house.


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Exploring Nexus of Clean

Gas Compression Magazine explores Chart’s integrated value chain investments made to position the company at the forefront of the clean energy transition through Nexus of Clean™.

Connect With a Specialist

To connect with a helium liquefaction specialist call us direct or click the 'Contact Us' button, complete a short form and we'll be in touch.

Cryo Technologies Main Office  +1 610 530 7288