Children's Haven
Earlier this year Chart in Canton, GA partnered with local businesses, law enforcement and public safety to collect coats for kids in foster care. This was our third year, and the biggest one yet.
As a responsible corporate citizen, Chart’s belief is that financial performance and responsibility for our environment, our employees and the global communities we touch are inextricably linked.
Consequently, in our approach to Corporate Responsibility we focus on six key areas:
(1) Diversity and Inclusion
(2) Ethics
(3) Supply Chain
(4) People and Safety
(5) Environment and Conservation
(6) Community Engagement
Chart is committed to environmental stewardship and sustainable business practices. In our day-to-day operation Chart promotes employee awareness of environmental impacts, supports pollution prevention and the use of sustainable resources in our products, services, and activities. The principles set forth in our Environmental and Sustainability Policy include our commitment to sustainable development, compliance with environmental regulations and higher standards for eco-efficiency.
"Chart’s vision is to be the global leader in the design, engineering and manufacturing of cryogenic process technologies and equipment for the Nexus of Clean™ - clean power, clean water, clean food and clean industrials, regardless of molecule.” – Jill Evanko, CEO of Chart Industries
• Minimizing the adverse environmental impact of our products, our operations and our supply chain
• Providing a safe working environment, learning opportunities and career growth for all our employees
• Abiding by a code of ethics in all markets so we can be safe in the knowledge that we compete against others solely on our merits
• Striving to communicate and incorporate sustainability initiatives throughout our supply chain; educating, developing and empowering our employees, and thus enabling them to identify and adopt best practices that will enhance sustainability
• Maintaining our financial responsibility to our stockholders and employees while supporting our sustainability initiatives
Chart contributes to many of the United Nations' SDGs, a global blueprint for a more peaceful, prosperous and sustainable future.
ChartWater is making water treatment more efficient, safer and more environmentally sound.
Chart's cryogenic technology is fueling the energy transition through the production, storage and distribution of LNG and hydrogen.
Chart provides productive employment around the world in an environment of freedom, equality, security and dignity.
Many of our products and solutions enable industry to do more and better with less and the same mantra is fundamental to our internal development programmes.
Chart is pursuing many initiatives to reduce our environmental footprint in the short term and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.
Every individual is encouraged to fulfill their potential and their culture, identity and experience is respected and valued. We understand that the more variety we have in our perspectives, and ideas the more successful we are. We not only take strides to give Chart team members the resources they need to make of their career whatever they dream it, but also ensure they feel good while doing it.
Chart employees have a proud tradition of helping the disadvantaged in their local communities. Through Giving Back the company supports employee engagement through sponsorship and fund matching. All employees are entitled and encouraged to take 1 day additional paid time off to support an initiative that enhances their community.
Our Code of Ethical Business Conduct aims to foster a culture of transparency, support Chart’s values – especially integrity, and create an inclusive and safe workplace. Our Code of Ethical Business Conduct covers policies related to governance, ethics and corporate social responsibility. It is meant to assist our employees with challenging issues in their daily work and support our commitment to conducting business with uncompromising integrity.
Chart seeks to ensure that our business partners share our commitment to acting with integrity. Our product and service suppliers are our critical business partners, and we endeavor to require them to meet our expectations for ethics and compliance with applicable laws. Our Code of Conduct for Business Partners sets forth these expectations.
Chart has obligations to publish certain policy documents on our website in accordance with both regional and international regulations and accreditations.